Deploying A Rails App To Rackspace Cloud Servers On Ubuntu Using Nginx and Unicorn
I recently setup a Rails server on Ubuntu using Nginx and Unicorn and a database running on the same server using Postgres. I also used rbenv and ruby-build for ruby. I had to look up a lot of information to get this all working. I just wanted to consolidate everything I did into one place. Hopefully, all this can help someone else.
Here are some links to the different parts of this post:
Here are some resources I used to get everything setup the way I wanted:
- Setting up Unicorn with Nginx
- Setting up PostgreSQL on Ubuntu
- Lighting fast, zero-downtime deployments with git, capistrano, nginx and Unicorn
I took my approach from many different places and I’ll explain why I did what I did.
Update - I have since watched a few Railscasts that are very well done and explain most of the same concepts. There are several things that he recommends doing that I will definitely do. He is charging money to see those episodes ($9/month), so I would feel a little guilty posting what I learned here.
Why use these technologies?
Originally, I wanted to host my website on Heroku. Heroku is easy, awesome, and really simple. One web dyno is free and it can scale really easily. For the foreseeable future, however, I will have very low traffic and I want it to be as cheap as possible.
My problem with Heroku came when I realized that I needed more than 5MB of database space. The next tier up gives me 20GB and costs $15/month. This is way more space than I need and costs a lot more than I want to pay.
So, I started looking at VPS hosting since I can get a cheap VPS and have more than 5MB of space for my database, plus I can use it to run jobs if I want, etc. I looked at the cheapest offered solutions at Linode, Dreamhhost, MediaTemple, Amazon, and Rackspace. Rackspace beats them all with 256MB of RAM and 10GB Disk for $11/month + $0.18/GB of bandwidth. I highly doubt that I’ll even use 1GB of bandwidth. Plus, if I do need to scale, it will be really easy to do it with Rackspace Cloud Servers.
Web Framework
Honestly, my main reason for doing my site in Rails is because I love Ruby and Rails is fun to work in.
Http Server
My reasons are better stated by others:
Since this is for a low traffic site, I went on the word of others. If I was expecting a lot of traffic, I probably would have done more research and some of my own benchmarks. That said, I do feel pretty confident in this setup even though I didn’t do that. Let’s get started!
Configure the server
Get a server with Ubuntu
With Rackspace Cloud Servers, this is very easy. Login to Rackspace, choose Cloud Servers under Hosting, click Add Server, and choose your OS. I chose Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). In just a minute, you’ll have an IP address and root credentials that you can use for ssh.
Install Stuff
I did everything using ssh. If you’ve never done this, Google it and learn the best way to do it on your platform.
When you first get your server, it is pretty bare. Let’s get some stuff installed. First, you’ll want to update apt-get so that it installs the latest versions of everything:
$ apt-get update
Then, upgrade all the currently installed packages (-y means say yes to all prompts):
$ apt-get upgrade -y
Now, we’ll install new stuff:
$ apt-get install git-core, build-essentials, curl, zlib1g-dev, \
libxml2-dev, libxslt1-dev, openssl, nodejs, postgresql, libpq-dev, \
I installed nodejs, so that I’d have a javascript runtime to compile my static
assets. The postgresql packages is to run a PostgreSQL server on the machine.
The ligpq-dev is so that my pg ruby gem can connect to the PostgreSQL server.
The git-core package is so that I can run a git pull
command to
update the code on the server. Everything else is a pretty fundamental
Since I used rbenv and ruby-build for ruby, I didn’t install any ruby package here. Instead, I just made sure that all ruby’s dependencies were installed.
$ apt-get build-dep ruby1.9.3
Create a new user
Now, we need to create a user for our app to run as. I called mine app_user
$ useradd -m -g staff app_user
The -m option will create the new user’s home directory (/home/app_user). The -g option tells it which group to add the user to (staff).
Set your new user’s password.
$ passwd app_user
To allow app_user to execute commands with super-user privileges, you need to add him to the sudoers file located at /etc/sudoers.
# /etc/sudoers
app_user ALL=(ALL) ALL
Now you’re set to log out as root and log back in as app_user. If I specify any
commands that it says you don’t have rights to access, just put sudo
in front
of the command, enter app_user’s password and it will let you.
I really like rbenv. These steps are mostly copied from its homepage, but slightly simplified for my use case.
Clone rbenv into ~/.rbenv.
$ cd
$ git clone git:// .rbenv
Add ~/.rbenv/bin to your $PATH for access to the rbenv command-line utility.
$ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
Add rbenv init to your shell to enable shims and autocompletion.
$ echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
Restart your shell so the path changes take effect. You can now begin using rbenv.
$ exec $SHELL
Now, we’ll install ruby-build that makes it really simple to install ruby.
$ mkdir -p ~/.rbenv/plugins
$ cd ~/.rbenv/plugins
$ git clone git://
Install the version of ruby that you want.
$ rbenv install 1.9.3-p125
Set the global version of ruby to that version (1.9.3).
$ rbenv global 1.9.3-p125
Rebuild the shim binaries. You should do this any time you install a new Ruby binary (for example, when installing a new Ruby version, or when installing a gem that provides a binary).
$ rbenv rehash
We’re done installing ruby. Let’s add some reasonable defaults for installing ruby gems.
# ~/.gemrc
:update_sources: true
:verbose: true
:buld_threshold: 1000
:backtrace: false
:benchmark: false
gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc
Now let’s just install a couple ruby gems that will allow us to use capistrano later.
$ gem install rake
$ gem install bundler
$ rbenv rehash
Setup the PostgreSQL server
Since I’m installing the web app on the same server as the database, I was able to take advantage of a cool feature in PostgreSQL: ident sameuser authentication. Basically, it allows my application to not have to specify a password. To use this, first we need to create a user in PostgreSQL with the same username.
$ sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser $USER
Then, give your new PostgreSQL user a password:
# Run the psql command as the postgres user
$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# \password app_user
# Type ctrl-d to exit psql
Now, you could make it even easier and not even have to specify a database name if you create a database with the same name as your user, but I didn’t do that. I created a database with the same name as my app.
$ createdb my_app_name
You should be done setting up the PostgreSQL server. If you run into any issues, try looking here.
Configure Rails to talk to PostgreSQL
Make sure that you have the pg gem in your Gemfile:
# Gemfile
gem 'pg', group: :production
Add this to your database.yml file:
# config/database.yml
adapter: postgresql
database: my_app_name
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
I pretty much copied my configuration from Ariejan de Vroom with some changes for Rails 3.1 assets.
We just need to edit two files. Make sure that you replace my_app_name with your app’s name.
Now, start nginx.
$ sudo nginx
Add unicorn to your Gemfile:
# Gemfile
gem "unicorn"
Add this file to your rails app. I pretty much copied this from Ariejan de Vroom and GitHub.
This is a must-have since I wasn’t going with Heroku. You can read more about configuring Capistrano here. First, you’ll need the capistrano gem on your development box (not the server). I put it in my Gemfile in my development group, then run capify.
$ gem install capistrano
$ capify .
Open up your Capfile and uncomment the assets line
# Capfile
load 'deploy'
load 'deploy/assets' # Using Rails' asset pipeline
Dir['vendor/gems/*/recipes/*.rb','vendor/plugins/*/recipes/*.rb'].each { |plugin| load(plugin) }
load 'config/deploy' # Remove this line to skip loading any of the default tasks
Now we need to modify the config/deploy.rb file to setup our tasks.
I overrode the assets:precompile task so that it only precompiles them if they changed. The comments really pretty much describe everything in there.
Our first deploy
Run these capistrano tasks and resolve any errors that you may get. (There should be any).
# Create directories for your app, etc
$ cap deploy:setup
# Check to make sure everything is ready to go
$ cap deploy:check
# Deploy your code
$ cap deploy:update
SSH into the server and run this (You can do this part with Capistrano. I didn’t.)
# load the schema into the database
$ rake RAILS_ENV=production db:schema:load
# see if the application can start
$ bundle exec rails c production
If your application started up, you’re set to go. From now on, to deploy you can just push your code changes to GitHub and run cap deploy and you’re set!
I’m really happy with this setup. My website is pretty fast. Pages consistently load in less than 400ms. It’s amazing to me how it can be so fast running on 256MB of RAM.
This was my first time deploying a website like this. I know that I’ll learn more and probably make changes as I go. I’ll keep this post up to date with what I have learned. If you have suggestions or questions, feel free to ask.
At some point, I’ll probably configure upstart to monitor my application. I’ll use an ssl certificate. I’ll probably also use this same server to host other websites. I’m curious to see what effect it will have if I tweak some of the settings like the number of unicorn workers, etc. It would be fun to test that and find the right number.